November 7, 2017
Building a House
And now we have built this house
in our dreams; you and I smile and say together,
'this is my house!'These bricks are the dreams we have
cemented together, the roof is the love
that covers us.The light within this house is blinding with
your light, of your desires and every corner
is resplendent with the glow.My house, simple and humble like my love
asks that we decorate it with our desires
and have blooming flowers of our hearts
on every window sill.In this house of mine, in this house of yours
we would never rent or borrow happiness,
our togetherness, will be enough,And I will tell you, this house of mine
is a lovely house, for others to envy.©Zakiah Sayeed
November 2017.I think it is kind of cheesy!! Forgive me. My mind is going in all kinds of directions. Z.
Comments (3)
It reminds me of an old song my husband and I knew. I remember a few of the words, but not the name "With someone like you, a pal good and true, I'd like to leave it all behind. We'll build a sweet little nest, somewhere in the West, and let the rest of the world go by." Maybe cheesy, but sweet, and a dream a lot of us have had. Real life is not like that. Togetherness is hard especially at first. After awhile you get used to each other, but the nest isn't always sweet. You and I have lived long enough to know that.
Yes, real life is not like dreams but sometimes it's even better than what we dreamed of. I agree with ata_grandma real life isn't always easy but worth the dreaming.
very true Miriam. My imagination and fantasies take me away from reality often.