January 12, 2018

  • January 11th 2018.

    When I was a little kid, I used to think that January 11th was the best day of the year. Nothing and no other date or day could top it. I would wake up and there would be smiles and every one would be so good to me. The grass in the front looked greener, the air itself was full of smiles and laughter… or so I thought. How could any day be better than the day I was born?

    Friends and relatives would come and bring gifts, there would be such a grand party at home, and I would strut around like a snobby cat. Of course I don’t feel like that anymore, but this birthday seemed so special to me. Today I had so many loving calls from my family in India, and Dubai, Canada and Australia and from all my friends and relatives in the US.

    My daughter in law Shelley took me to lunch to a Greek restaurant.

    Last night Shelley called to say that Zain the 4 year old told her that he wanted to give all his toys to me for my birthday. She told him that Ammi doesn’t need those toys, but he insisted. So she called to tell me that. I started laughing. I told her to tell him that instead of him giving me a toy, I would get a toy for him. she replied…
    ” you have to see the front passenger side seat in my SUV! He made me do ten trips to the car in the garage and some of the toys are spilling over onto the seat in the back!”

    How cute is that??!! Of course after he fell asleep, she transferred the toys back into his play area in the basement, and he had forgotten about it when I saw him at lunch today. Had such a beautiful day, even though the day as such was totally crappy with extremely cold winds, temperature that dropped from 55 degrees at noon, to 27 by 1 pm. The ice starting pelting the windows and the roads. But somehow, by 3:30 or so, the ice had disappeared from the roads, and they were easily accessible. But it is so dang cold. M took me out to a Thai restaurant for dinner, and I asked Saadia and Dave to join us.

    It was a full day. In the morning, I came here to turn the computer on, and voila! I see Google wishing me a Happy Birthday. This is the third year in a row! That felt good.  My Facebook page is going crazy. I have never received so many congratulatory comments. Friends from good old xanga days were there, wishing me. What a special day! Such an ego booster.

    Hope all of you have had a great day too.


    Sorry about the fuzzy picture, but this was the best I could do, because the greeting stayed on for only a few seconds, and I had to click the shot. I got a better one on my cell phone which I posted on my facebook page.

    Good night friends. Another year starts for me now.

Comments (5)

  • Happy Happy Birthday! I had a wonderful birthday too. Sorry to be so late, but my TX daughter is still here, and I haven't been on FB much.

  • Happy belated birthday Zakiah!!

    • Thank you Floriana. So good to see you again. Please write to me and tell me what is going on in your life and where you are etc. Love to hear from you.

  • Sorry I'm so late to the party! Happy birthday! :-)

  • Hello. It has been months without a post from you here on Xanga, and I am just checking to see if you are ok.

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