Month: May 2017

  • Symphony of Rain.

    It has been raining in Quincy for so many days. The weather reminds me of the days in 1993 when the levy was breached and the town was flooded. This time, the rains come in spurts, heavy deluge that makes you stop and take a look at the world outside; and at other times, it is soft continuous pitter patter and the heart sings to the tune of these drops falling on the broad leaves of the trees, mixed with the rumble of soft thunder.

    I shut the engine of my car on the way home,
    roll up the windows and listen to the rhythm
    and music of the rain on the roof of the car,
    while my heart sang with the rain.

    I close my eyes, and see me seventy years earlier
    running out of the house, bare feet, hair flying
    around my face, and with arms stretched
    sticking my tongue out, so I could taste rain;

    The drops of rain roll down along the windows
    and the intense desire takes over— I want
    to touch this rain; I want the hair to get drenched again.

    I open the door and get out; the rain drops bathe my face;
    they take my breath away.
    I stand there, and realize that there are tears in my eyes.
    I pretend to wipe the wind-shield, and see a squad car pull up behind

    An officer gets out of his patrol car, all dressed up in rain gear,
    “Is there a problem doctor? Do you need a ride home?”
    I look at his rain clothes, and say, “No thank you! I had to get out of the car,

    just so I could once again feel the rain, like I did when I was at home

    Seven decades ago!!”©

    Zakiah Sayeed (ZSA-MD).


    Posted on May 14, 2017 by Zakiah

    I wish all the mothers who are my readers on WP and Xanga, a blessed and happy Mothers Day.
    I am sorry ladies, I am not able to upload any photo here.
    I hope all of you will celebrate the day with great happiness.


  • My Muse returns, I think!

    Posted on May 5, 2017 by Zakiah

    Lipstick on the glass.©

    For ever and more,
    I thought she shared
    my life!
    Her smiles were for me, and
    her love ran in the veins
    of my body.

    That she would leave me,
    I never imagined. She was
    the breath within my chest
    the heat of love, in the
    excursions of my lungs!

    One day, she left me. Holding
    the wine glass in her fingers
    she looked at me and said

    Now I look at this empty glass,
    impression of her lips at the rim
    blood red, and inviting.

    This, this alone keeps me company
    through the decades of my silences.

    {{UIC.. in Eunice’s office while she had her appointment with a colleague for a checkup. April 2017.}}

  • An Update.

    I was in Chicago this week and retuned home late on Tuesday night. I went to see Eunice and help her out. You all know how sick she as been. The last time I went in early April, she was beginning to look somewhat better, but still very weak and tired, with no appetite.
    But this time, I was so happy to see that she had improved almost 90%. Her appetite is back and she is able to walk and doesn't feel dizzy anymore. I had made some Indian food and taken for her, and she actually enjoyed that.
    Took her out for a ride and even though the days were all rainy and gloomy and so damp, she looked the better for getting out of the condo. She has started back to work, working half days for three days a week.

    I am so charged! I loved this Eunice, and how good she looks. I hope she continues to feel great now.
    Just thought I would let you all know. I hope I am able to post this on xanga now... I have tried posting last week about my paintings and flowers but couldn't do it. Kept getting a message, "oops, this page is not available now." I know I still have my xanga membership till the middle of 2018. I have written to Eugenia, but she has not responded.

    So here goes.