July 30, 2017
August Seventh
Physicians are known to be snobs. Notoriously. I know some of them. But there are others who are genuine and follow the Oath of upholding the ethics of helping and being kind to patients.
Case in point---
I was told by my cardiologist here, that I needed stent for my right Coronary Artery, because even though I had good collaterals from the left, I was symptomatic with shortness of breath and tiredness. He arranged for me to see a Cardiology specialist, Dr. John Lasala, who specialized in intervention. He also said that he sent his difficult cases to him in St. Louis and was very satisfied with the results.
I asked that I first talk to him and have him answer my questions that I had.
Last week, Dr. Lasala’s office called and said, “Dr. Ali, we have you scheduled for your stent procedure on the 7th of August.
I was disturbed. I told her that I needed to first meet with him and talk to him and see what kind of a person/doctor he is. She told me that he didn’t have outpatient clinic, and all he did was these procedures all the time! BUT, she went on to say, that he could call me and talk to me. I said that was fine, and was given a 10 O’clock time on Thursday morning.
I fretted and fidgeted, because I didn’t know what kind of a guy he was, and what he would think of calling a patient to talk to. Like I said, most physicians are snobs and have an attitude that can reach the heights of Eiffel Tower! I couldn’t sleep on Wednesday night. Got all my questions written out, and knew that he would perhaps call me, but maybe I would be kept waiting--- instead of ten, he would call me at 11 or in the afternoon.
At three minutes to ten on Thursday morning, the phone rang; it was his office, and he was ready to talk to me! Really??? I was impressed.
He had the most calming voice and allowed me to ask all the questions without interrupting me, and explained the procedure so thoroughly. He said he would work in tandem, with his partner, and both of them would be performing the procedure. Told me what kind of stents he would be using, and for how long he had been practicing etc.
He was so good to me. No attitude, no snobbishness, but genuine and down to earth etc. I was so relieved after talking to him, that I went to bed and slept for three hours straight!!
So that’s the story. The procedure is set for the 7th. I don’t know the time yet. They will call me on Thursday or Friday and tell me about that.
Hope everything goes well. Just thought I would let you all know.
Comments (5)
Oh, I am so glad you found a good doctor who was willing to talk with and listen to you! I will mark my calendar so I'll remember to pray for you especially on the 7th (and before and after too.).
Praying your procedure will go well! There are a lot of things I would do differently if we had to go through the heart valve thing again. The number one thing is find a good doctor. I know some of them are real snobs. They don't like their patients and think they're morons and I really think they don't like each other either!
God bless and keep you healthy, wealthy and wise.
My procedure went very well by the grace of Almighty. Thank you for your kind wishes Miriam.
This is good to hear, that your doctor seems kind and considerate. Prayers for you, your procedure, and then recovery. Prayers for the doctor to have a clear mind and steady hands too.
He was better than kind and considerate, in person. He was an amazing gentleman, and spent a lot of time with my children, explaining to them about the procedure.