September 28, 2017

  • An Update.

    This post is to let the members know about my efforts to gather some money to donate towards the relief of our Muslim brothers and sisters of Myanmar. I have sold several of my paintings and painted cards, to people in town and around the country.
    A big thank you to a few members who have sent me personal emails and others who have called me personally, to encourage me and boost my morale up.
    I have had a great response of monetary donations from my Christian friends on my personal blogs… to the tune of almost $1000. .
    Many friends from my little town, after reading my post on the social media have sent me checks of several hundreds. I am so grateful for every dollar that I am getting. God willing, by the end of next week I will close the column and send the money out to the Islamic Relief USA.
    Again, thank you for your interest and encouragement in my efforts. Your support through words has been great.

Comments (2)

  • Good job, Zakiah. I have been reading about this crises, and it now seems as though certain people at the U.N. have been complicit in keeping it out of the public eye and preventing relief. Horrible!
    Perhaps, with the hurricanes over and "kneeling dur8ng the national anthem" having been talked to death (what a stupid thing to take up so much time with), we will get more world news out of CNN.

    • Thank you Dian. I just read in one of the foreign journals that the areas where the Rohingyas lived, has precious gems and metals under the ground. These need to be mined. The Western world want all the people to be removed from there, and therefore the entire villages are being burnt down, so the government and the people can get to the precious metals and gems.

      " The Myanmar Muslim problem has nothing to do with the religion. The land occupied by the Muslims in Myanmar has oil, precious gems, and rare materials underground. The greedy Western Capitalists want the access to these lands and the government wants to make deals with them for the mineral rights. The inhabitants are in the way. The only solution for them was to carry out scorch earth policy by burning down the villages and driving the inhabitants out. This is the reason, you don’t here any coverage of this “ Muslim holocaust” in the Western media.

      "Same thing is going on in Afghanistan. Trump was opposed to the continuation of war there, until the Wall Street tycoons told him that there are a trillion dollar worth of rare earth metals underground which the need access to. At present, only China has the larges deposits of rare earth metals in the world. Russians wanted Afghanistan to build oil pipeline there for access to load oil tankers. Reagan didn’t want that so he created Al-Qaida and called them “Mujahideen” to kick out the Russians. But then when they succeeded, didn’t like their control of the country. Rest is history."

      How sick is humanity!!

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