I had talked early this year, a little about an attorney of Quincy who had murdered his wife several years ago. The incompetent investigation had closed the files then. However, a young detective in the last three years had dug the case out and it was all over the local media. Curtis was arrested and spent nearly three years in jail.
This case will be on Dateline tomorrow, Friday the 6th of October on NBC. If you have time, please watch it, it shows how ineffective our justice system sometimes is.
Curtis grew up with my children, went to school with my daughter, married his school sweet heart. I know the wife's family personally. He was an All American Athlete for the University of Illinois in Champaine_Urbana.
Anyway, please view this if you have time.
Comments (5)
I will try to watch it. I have good news.... my daughter-in-law is on the front page of our local newspaper today. Her picture with a nice article about her art. It's amazing how quickly this all has happened. Of course, we are all very proud of her.
@ata_grandma: That is really neat! I wonder where I could get one?
that sounds interesting. I've wondered already how many innocent people suffered wrongfully. Makes me sad.
I also wonder how many get away murder? They won't always get away with it. There comes a day of reckoning. Blessings.
I watched it. Very interesting. Alcohol can be a very bad thing. My oldest was an alcoholic for some years. We didn't know it at the time. Now she and her husband are active members in AA.
That poor family has suffered so much. As soon as the one medical person said EKG, I understood about the arms. I've had a lot of EKGs because of A-Fib. which I've not had for a year and a half. My son was having it too but has been taking lots of magnesium, so hasn't had it since then. We get the magnesium pills from our local compounding pharmacy. I also take amiodarone (minimum dose) which I understand can have bad side effects, but I haven't had any so far, and I've been on it several years now.
I didn't mean for this to be a medical post about me.
Anyway, I'm glad I watched the show, even though it wasn't easy to watch. I do wish the best for the family.